Are Your Scripts
Always Ignored? 👀

Imagine if you could magically write in such a captivating way so that every reader, producer, or executive who picked up your script is riveted to their seat, excitedly reading to the end with breathless anticipation....

This is possible if you direct from the page with exceptional wordsmithing and visual storytelling techniques!

I Want to Stand Out


Why Ain't My Scripts Gaining Traction?

Ever felt like this? I used to!

😩 I struggle to find the right words and phrases to describe my cinematic vision

📚 I read screenplays of my favorite movies but I can’t figure out why they work—or how to emulate them

🎥 I can't write what I see in my head without using clunky camera angles...

😰 I'm not sure if my script is polished enough to submit to a high-level contest 

😖 People read my script, but they don't experience the story like I intended!

It's Not You.

It's the way you were taught to write.

Whether you're college-educated or self-taught, chances are you were (unknowingly) instructed to either under-direct or over-direct your screenplay from the page.

This is a huge problem for your screenplays.

Here's why:

Using either extreme can cause you to lose a competition or miss out on representation because the gatekeeper reading your script isn't experiencing the story you intended—

They're pulled out and stop reading.

Here's what I mean:

Common Extreme —
Under Directing:

  • Robotic, emotionless
  • Difficult to decipher
  • No subtext
  • Lacks artistry
  • Breaks immersion

Common Extreme — Over Directing:

  • Bloated paragraphs
  • Clunky camera angles
  • Hard to understand at a glance
  • Feels amateurish
  • Breaks immersion

Sound familiar? I don't blame you, either.

Before I mastered visual screenwriting, I did plenty of both of these.

I was taught this way at times too because it used to be the prevailing wisdom of yesterday's Hollywood. 

But things have changed.

Your script is ain't just a blueprint for someone else to direct. 


You, the screenwriter, must direct the story on the page. 🎥


Reading your screenplay should emotionally mimic what it feels like to watch your movie.

This means avoiding both extremes by directing from the page using unobtrusive, engaging techniques:

The Perfect Balance — CineMagical Screenwriting:

  • Pithy & skimmable
  • Visual poetry with musical rhythm
  • Formatting and page layout enhance story experience
  • Immersive & emotionally resonant!


The story you're telling is only as good as how you're telling it.

Execution, not just intention.

It all comes down to one thing:

👀 Visual Screenwriting Skills! 

That's how to keep the reader engaged, get past the gatekeepers, and place in high-stakes screenwriting competitions. 


Hook Readers & Keep Them Spellbound! 

Most screenwriting books and gurus don't talk about how to actually do this, though. 

Typical screenwriting books and courses teach story structure, but not line-by-line cinematic storytelling. 

They just focus on all the abstract stuff: 

  • 3 Act Structure 
  • Character Arcs
  • Plot or "Beats"
  • and other theoretical topics...

In fact, those are all important aspects of screenwriting you have to learn, but they won't help you with line-by-line cinematic storytelling. 

They lack the detailed techniques you need to execute your story with excellence. 

That's why...

You need to learn visual storytelling from a director.

You need practical examples from epic screenplays.

You've got to get out of theory and into hands-on application.

You need to embrace visual screenwriting skills to craft celluloid sorcery🧙‍♂️

I Want to Weave with Words

Powerful Techniques from
Award-Winning Scripts

Reading random articles and endlessly watching your favorite movies won't magically help you write more visually.

I've spent years studying how Oscar-winning screenwriters evoke emotions and paint with words in their scripts. 

By dissecting these masterpieces with my experience as a director, I discovered that an interlocking set of visual screenwriting skills that build upon one another.

Think of mastering these abilities to write like the pros akin to the artful process of forging a razor-sharp sword. 🗡️


Sharpen Your Skills.

Wield Elite Visual Storytelling Techniques!

Mastering visual screenwriting is like learning to forge a traditional katana because each step of the process builds the foundation for the next step:

And of course, any swordsmith must apprentice under a consummate practitioner of the craft...

...who also happens to be a professional director.

Here's how:


Scriptsmithing Mastery

You Are Ready to Sharpen Your Visual Writing Skills?

This premium course will sharpen your cinematic writing skills to an advanced level. You’ll be able to:

  • Know the right words and phrases to describe your cinematic vision without using clunky camera angles

  • Analyze elite screenplays and emulate their masterful writing, line-by-line...

  • Be confident in your scripts and your skills as you submit to contests

  • Hook the gatekeepers reading your scripts because they experience the story you envisioned!

With an arsenal of sharp tools in your visual writing toolbox and practical examples, you can write CineMagically to keep readers enraptured!

I Want to Level Up

In the Course:

Format Accelerator

Build your fundamental skills with basic, intermediate, and advanced formatting concepts.

This is screenplay formatting as a craft—this enables you to use formatting as not just a formality but as a storytelling tool.

Elegant Error Technique

Here we'll cover the important grammar concepts specific to screenplays that you need to know. 

By applying screenplay grammar as craft, you'll be  to apply grammar to your scripts for the best possible emotional effect.

Wordcraft Strategy

Confidently tackle genre, tone, rhetoric, and repetition like the pros!

With this module, you'll be able leverage wordsmithing to take your writing from "okay" to "excellent."

Once you embrace wordsmithing as craft, you'll be following in the footsteps of Oscar-winning screenwriters.

Invisible Camera Method

Visual poetry, proper white space, and metaphorical imagery are some of the key concepts we'll cover in this powerful module.

Translate the vision you have in your head onto the page without clunky camera angles.

This is will unlock next-level visual storytelling for your scripts!

Script Forge

This is where we put all the skills from the previous modules together in order to dissect famous screenplays

We'll look at both old and new scripts from a variety of genres so you can analyze like a pro. 

Then, we'll review some student screenplays to see how these skills can enable you to get the most out of rewrites.

Write With Me Activator

It's time for the OTS: Over the Shoulder! Watch in real time as I re-write my old scripts and apply everything we've learned thus far.

Finally, I'll show you how to re-write your favorite script for an immersive storytelling experience.

Once you can reverse-engineer the work of the masters, you'll be ready to create your own masterpieces.

This is the Secret to Why the Pen is Mightier Than the Sword ✒️

Digital Bonuses

Final Inspection

With this comprehensive final exam, you'll be able to review what you've learned—from formatting to the film business.

This ain't a test for a test's sake; it's so you can make sure the lessons you learned stick with you for your whole career. 

Screenplay Format Checklist

Quick-reference checklist to make sure your script is in tip-top shape before you send it to a reader or submit to a contest.

Exclusive Community

  • Real-world camaraderie at your fingertips anywhere, anytime 
  • Learn from other passionate screenwriters' questions and work

  • Gain insights from constructive criticism
  • Access to Carl for questions!

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

If you aren’t satisfied with Scriptsmithing Mastery, then I'll refund your money within 30 days of your purchase!

So, try the course with 0% risk.

What do you have to lose?

Get Immediate Access

Select your payment option below to immediately start leveling up your screenwriting abilities!



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I'm Carl T. Rogers

I went to film school so you don't have to.

In fact, I went twice. I focused on cinematic storytelling from a director's perspective, and I've directed over a dozen short films.

Here's the thing:

What directors like me do is only possible once screenwriters have crafted an amazing story. 

It's your job to tell that story like you want it to feel; that enables directors to understand your vision and translate it from the script to the set and then screen.

I've reverse-engineering this framework into this course to get you "directing" secretly from the page line-by-line—like the pros do📝

This Course Is For You If...

😶 You need ways to turn what you see in your head into compelling cinematic moments on the page

😅You're discouraged because your skills seem to have peaked, despite having written multiple features...

📝 You want powerful tricks to reverse engineer your favorite films to unlock their secrets...

😩 You've always struggled with directing from the page without cringey camera angles

😡 You KNOW your story is really good, but you just can't seem to score well in coverage

What are you waiting for?


I'm Ready to Level Up

What Students Are Saying:

Bram B., USA

Dawson R., USA

Joey H., USA

Vincent O., USA

James H., USA

No One Sits In the Director's Chair

Until You Do

Ready to buckle down?

Don't let your brilliant story sink in the sea of other mediocre screenplays because you lack the visual writing skills to bring them to life on the page.

In today's competitive film industry, mastering visual screenwriting isn't just an option—it's essential for success. 


  • Readers unable to put your script down...
  • Producers captivated by your cinematic descriptions...

  • Directors fighting to bring your vivid scenes to the screen!

Don't sabotage your dreams of seeing your story on the big screen. Develop your visual screenwriting skills now and transform your scripts into compelling, visual experiences that demand attention.

The choice is yours.

Continue struggling with lackluster descriptions, or elevate your writing to create scripts that leap off the page and onto the screen.

Your future in screenwriting depends on the decision you make today.

Start Writing Visually Now

Select your payment option to level up your screenwriting abilities and finally launch your career!



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For four months

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30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

If you aren’t satisfied with Scriptsmithing Mastery, then I'll refund your money within 30 days of your purchase!

So, try the course with 0% risk.

What do you have to lose?


Can I take a free course first?

Absolutely! If you haven't already, grab my workshop on cinematic screenwriting: How to Write with INVISIBLE Camera Angles!

I wanna write better!