Struggling to Outline Your Screenplay?
Discover your story without endless doubt.
Learn how to design your story based around characters, not formulas!
Why Am I Stuck?
Ever felt like this? I used to!
😶🌫️ I want to write a screenplay, but I don't know where or how to start...
♾️ I have a concept, but I endlessly tweak the story to make it perfect (and so I never start writing)
😩 I have too many ideas—I don't know which one to pick!
📚 Story structure is confusing...each screenwriting book I read contradicts the last one!
😡 I get excited and start writing, but then I get stuck on page 32 (or page 3!) and just stop...

It's Not You.
It's Your Process.
Generic beatsheets and formulas ain't the keys to great storytelling. If you want to be able to craft a compelling story, you have to create concepts and characters within a logical writing process that fits you.
Watch as I walk through my process
Get a crash course in creative outlining methods to help you get out of theory and into practical application! You'll get quick ways to design your own writing process to fit the way you think and work.
Conceptual Tools, Not Formulas
Fill your toolbox.
Design your process.
The fundamental building blocks of story are:
- Concepts and their inherent themes
- Characters and their desires
- How characters' relationships affect their choices
- How characters' choices affect your story
Once you learn the framework in which to use these tools, you can more easily create your story—and customize how you write.

Screenplay Outline Accelerator
You Are Ready Design Your Ultimate Pre-Writing Process?
This concise course will teach you everything you need to know to start outlining screenplays based in concept and character. You’ll be able to:
- Overcome doubt in your story
- Generate more ideas quickly
- Build momentum with your outlining process
With a simple shift in your mindset and practical examples, you can harness your ideas, outline with confidence, and create a pre-writing process that enhances your innate creativity!
I'M READY TO WRITEIn the Course:
We'll cover topics like:
- Why outlining doesn't hinder your creativity
- How to pick the right ideas to explore
- Why loglines aren't enough to build a script on
- The connection between character and story structure
You’ll finish this course with a new perspective on stories and the process of writing them.

I'm Carl T. Rogers
After graduating with my MFA in Directing, I had to overcome a new challenge: writing a feature-length screenplay.
Even though I'd written and directed award-winning shorts for years, I'd never tackled a story as ambitious as a feature.
It was like climbing a mountain blindfolded, but through trial and error, I honed my writing process and discovered the shortcut so many other pro writers use:
🫀 Characters before plot.
👫 Plotter meets Pantser.
💥 Story from arc!
I've distilled my insights into this mini-course to get you outlining your feature in a fraction of the time it took me! 📝

This Course Is For You If...
- You've read story structure books but they confuse or overwhelm you
- You've tried outlining a script before but never felt like it was done
- You get lost every time you try to plan a story
- You hit dead ends as soon as you start writing your script
Do I need any books for this?
Do I need any special software?
Will this help me rewrite an existing screenplay?
What if I don't like outlining?
You already have a story inside you.
How will you get it out of your soul and onto the page?